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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Voltexx is now a Minority Owned Business Supplier

Today Voltexx, LLC announces our certification as a Minority Owned Business Enterprise, a company specializing in cost savings. Voltexx’s MBE certification will benefit the entire procurement industry; helping existing and potential clients meet their government diversity goals while continuing our growth as a full-service supplier for toner and machine maintenance.

Recently the U. S. Department of Commerce reported Minority-owned businesses have been growing in number of firms, gross receipts, and paid employment, at a faster pace than non-minority firms. If it were not for the employment growth created by minority firms and American firms, excluding publicly-held firms would have experienced a greater job loss between 1997 and 2002. While paid employment grew by 4 percent among minority-owned firms, it declined by 7 percent among non-minority firms during this period.

The real value of a good business is not having the finished product in hand; rather, the value lies in total customer satisfaction.

For questions and contracting feel free to contact our MBE division directly at:

1 comment:

  1. This is a great oppurtunity for both Voltexx and business nationwide.
